
CHAS Accredited

CHAS Elite  – Common Assessment Standard

Harte Demolition has achieved the Elite Standard of Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme Accreditation.

The Common Assessment Standard is a comprehensive programme that covers 13 key areas of risk management, including and building on areas assessed under the PAS 91. By covering many different aspects of risk management, the Common Assessment Standard can reduce risk across the whole supply chain.


NWCPO Permit Number: NWCPO-20-12484-01

All waste collectors in Ireland must have a valid waste collection permit to operate legally. A NWCPO was established in 2012 its role is to accept and process all new and review Waste Collection Permit applications for all Waste Management Regions in the Republic of Ireland. Harte Demolition possess and maintains Waste Collection Permits for both Northern and Southern Ireland.

SSIP Acclaim Accreditation

Acclaim Accreditation is the health and safety accreditation service provided by Supplier Assessment Services.

They carry out an online assessment of your company’s health and safety documentation and work activities as an independent competent assurance of the systems you have in place. Harte Demolition are in receipt and maintain SSIP Accreditation on a regular basis.

SSIP Acclaim – Certificate of H&S Accreditation

ISO 9001:2015

The Scope of activities covered by this certificate are defined as:

The Demolition of Commercial, Industrial, Sports an d Leisure, Religious and Education Buildings associated Civil Engineering works within UK & Ireland

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

Through achieving the ISO 9001:2015, Harte Demolition are able to demonstrate full compliance with current legislation and best practice.


ISO 14001:2015

The Scope of activities covered by this certificate are defined as

The Demolition of Commercial, Industrial, Sports and Leisure, Religious and Education Buildings associated Civil Engineering works within UK & Ireland.

ISO 14001:2015 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance.

ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

Through achieving the ISO 14001:2015, Harte Demolition are able to demonstrate full compliance with current legislation and best practice.


ISO 45001:2018

The Scope of activities covered by this certificate are defined as:

The Demolition of Commercial, Industrial, Sports an d Leisure, Religious and Education Buildings associated Civil Engineering wo rks within UK & Ireland.

This certificate has been issued in recognition of the organisation’s Occupational Health & Safety Management System which complies with ISO/IEC 45001:2018 and that the organisation has demonstrated compliance with the core criteria as Specified in Appendix 1 of the SSIP’s rules and bylaws for the relevant duties associated with their activities as a contractor.

Through achieving the ISO 45001:2018, Harte Demolition are able to demonstrate full compliance with current legislation and best practice.


Constructionline Gold Member

Gold membership includes further validation checks using an enhanced prequalification questionnaire that goes beyond PAS 91. Our company’s credentials are assessed for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies.

Some of these policies form part of the Cabinet Office Selection Questionnaire (SQ), which the public sector is expected to comply with.

Harte Demolition have been awarded and also regularly maintain a Gold Member Verification demonstrating full compliance with current legislation.

Constructionline Gold Member Certificate of Membership

Constructionline Social Value Verified

Constructionline’s pre-qualification questionnaire now includes a range of questions specifically focused on social value, Harte Demolition have been assessed and verified on the following:

  • Have clear Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) processes in place
  • Provide equal opportunities for minority groups
  • Provide good working conditions
  • Support their workers’ mental wellbeing
  • Engage with local communities
  • Are working to improve their sustainability

Social Value Certificate of Completion

Northern Ireland Demolition Association

The Northern Ireland Demolition Association (NIDA) was formed in the early 1990s. It provides a forum for members to discuss topical issues within the demolition industry, such as waste legislation, recycling initiatives, health and safety issues, staff training and development, and insurance costs.

NIDA has formed links with National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC). These links ensure that NIDA can keep up to date with developments within the industry on a UK wide basis and beyond